TPOVU namenum.dat Records Read conline.datU @Too Many Stars--Choose Brighter Magnitude Limit or Smaller ScaleU dayta.dayU Comet Plot Options:" E. Plot Earth-Based Finder Chart R. Comet Recovery Search Chart S. View the Orbit from Space Choose one (E/R/S): O.K.? (Y/N): YN3 How far (in A.U.'s) is the observer from the sun? 5% Path to search for ephemeris files: Select an Ephemeris File *.epb *.epa *.epc *.ep*! Include tails on comets? (Y/N): L (Tails are drawn to an artificial length of 0.1 AU. If the actual tail is,N for example, twice the length shown, you know its physical length is 0.2 AU.N The main reason to omit the tail is to conserve space if you intend to over-N lay several comet paths. A maximum of 500 points are allowed, including the@ heads and tails of comets and all other solar system objects.)D Indicate the sun's location for each position of the comet? (Y/N): G (Where a comet is located relative to the sun is often what determines% whether or not it will be visible.) Incompatible Dates Date for start of ephemeris: Date of Map: Use it anyway? (Y/N): 8*\t( (( Stars Plotted) Type any Key to ContinueU F1 Cursor F2 Save/Modify F3 Zoom Out F3 Zoom In F4 Constel. Lines F4 Constel. Names F4 Move Names F5 Planets, etc F6 Comet Paths F7 Planet/Comet ID F8 Clear Overlays F9 Small Scale 3-D F10 PrintoutU (( Stars Plotted) Type any Key to ContinueU +Type F8 again to clear all starmap overlays ?-(Type any key to printout or to bypass)U % B L V *!\!f!u! "0"H"^"c"m"r" #!#,#2#;#J#k#z# $6$;$J$R$e$x$ %#%J%]%p% & &(&e&m&~& &?'|' (e(j(u({( (O)b)x)~) .,.1.6.H.M.R.\.a.s.x.}. /+/0/5/P/U/g/l/q/ 0#0(000D0N0S0f0k0p0 1(131E1J1O1j1o1y1~1 2#2(22272I2N2S2n2s2}2 3E3j3t3 4,414B4G4V4^4 5!5+505t5 6&686@6K6X6c6p6u6z6 7!7,7A7L7U7_7l7}7 8.838 :/;I;];g;q;v;{; =2=D=V=h=z= > >2>>>J>V> @!@&@ A+A2AcA B@B`B C2CECiC}C E.E3E TO ABORT) Long: deg min, min /U UUUUUUU @!(Printout Aborted--Reset Printer) Form Feed? (Y/N): >Z+Yt >Z+Yt 0 5 ? D I S X b g $)$/$B$G$L$T$Z$m$r$w$ Z to quit or any other key to try again. .d01U namenum.dat ------ R.A.: (No Name) R.A.: m Dec.: ' Mag: Dist: (Comet Relative to the Horizon) dayta.dayU dayta.dayU %No star identified at cursor locationU @4View Direction (Use Arrow Keys, , or ): ?3333333 b x !#!Q!W!`! #R#[#f#k#~# $&$4$D$Q$a$k$p$ %/%7%D%I%T%Y%i%s%}% &#&>&H&M&W&\&n&s&x& (m)u) *'*2*D*I*N*b*g* +%+=+^+i+s+ ,.,8,F,Z,q, -#-(-8-@-X- / /3/A/Q/^/ 0 02070<0L0Q0V0l0v0{0 1!1>1L1\1f1t1 152?2M2a2u2 2(3?3O3Y3h3 454Z4 575i5w5 666U6t6 7&787L7V7d7n7 7#8f8t8y8 9?9N9V9 97:V:c:z: ;$;.;@;E;O;];g;q;{; <#R?S@X@]@e@iA*B=BBBGBOBXB`B E'E3EnE JDJxJ K#K^LjL Absolute Magnitude: Coefficient of log(r) (Use 10 if unknown): O.K.? (Y/N): @%For what date is the magnitude known? YYYY: DD.D: Magnitude on that day: Coefficient of log(r) (Use 10 if unknown): O.K.? (Y/N): deleteU 2Select Comet From List or Type for New Entry #New Comet Data (Type to Quit) Name: $ (Time of Perihelion Passage) T: YYYY MM DD.DDD # (Eccentricity) e: # (Perihelion Distance) q: # (Argument of Perihelion) Peri: # (Longitude of Ascen. Node) Node: # (Inclination) i: " Format of Magnitude Information: A. Absolute magnitude is known. B. Apparent magnitude is known for some date C. No magnitude data is known D. LEAVE MAGNITUDE UNCHANGED Magnitude Format Option: O.K.? (Y/N): T: Peri: e: Node: | (1950.0) q: A.U.'s i: Absolute Magnitude: Magnitude Coefficient: Period: Days YearsCE-Edit, C-Copy, -quit, -delete comet, -continue): EC<83>U =Copy Comet to Which CFL File? (Type to create new file) *.cfl Name for new comet data file: O.K.? (Y/N): delete Dates and Times of Observations2 Your choice for method of day and time selection:J A. Choose Day and Time for Symmetry around Perihelion (for orbit plots)= B. Use Day and Time of Most Recent "What's Up" Computation9 (For Compatibility with Current Day-and-Time Chart)8 C. Determine Search Area for Attempted Comet Recovery D. Other (Direct Entry) Your Choice: O.K.? (Y/N): YNK (If the ephemeris is saved to a file, the method of day and time selectionD will be reflected in the file extension: .epa, .epb, .epc, or .epd) This comet has a period of years. Do you want a full orbit? ( positions at day intervals , no tail.) 5%Number of days between calculations: Number of calculations: @ Starting Date YYYY: DD: &Presumed Uncertainty in arrival time: DaysL (The stated uncertainty will be rounded to a multiple of the step interval)< Use P)rimary, A)lternate, or N)ew observing site? (P/A/N): @'Sun and Comet Data for Starting Date: Sunset: +++ --- Morning Twilight: Evening Twilight: Sunrise: < Rise 20-Deg Trans 20-Deg Set> ------------------------------------------- Observing Time: Advance the Date? >C4Nt *D4Yu !$!)!.!8!=!G!L!Q![!`!j!o! "!"&"0"5"G"L"Q"m"r"|" #j#u# $#$1$>$P$]$b$g$ %,%?%\%o% &#&?&D&L&[&`& ')'.'='E'y' (&(B(U(h(r(w( ).)B)G)Z)_)d) *"*5*:*?*[*`*h* ,<,X,p,X-h- /%/*///J/U/d/q/ 0!0.03080S0X0]0q0v0{0 151:1?1S1X1]1g1l1 2&2+202D2I2N2r2 3&3+303:3?3I3N3X3]3g3l3 3P4U4_4d4n4s4}4 5$5)5E5O5T5f5s5x5}5 6/6F6[6|6 6<7F7 8$8M8R8W8c8h8v8 :=:I:N:S:]:b:t: ;1;C;P;U;Z;l;~; <)<;<@N>S>]>b>t>y>~> ?!?CPCUCZCpCuC E(E-E2EHEREWEiEnEsE F!F,F7FFFPFUF_FdFoF{F G"G/G4G9G>GPGUGZGpGuG HEHSH^HcHhHtHyH INIwI J)J;J@JEJPJ K"K4KFKKKPKnK}K L-L?LQLcLuL MLM\MaMfMrMwM N N-NWNvN O9OiOnO O&PEPtP P)QGQeQ~Q R"R'RKRuR S#S+S5S:SKSPSdSiSsSxS Map LocationK You have two options for specifying the location of the center of the map:$ A. Select a Constellation( B. Specify the Coordinates : Your Option: Constellations r!C!H!c!h!z! """'"B"G"Y"^"c"m"r"|" ",#1#;#@#J#O#a#f#k# $*$/$A$F$K$]$b$g$y$~$ %1%6%@%E%W%\%a%|% % &8&V&d&q&v&{& ' ';'@'H' '<(A(`(l( Location: Longitude: deg min / Latitude: ) / Julian Day: U dayta.dayU !Sunlight Data for Day & Night of Sunrise: +++ --- Solar Transit: Sunset: Evening Twilight Ends: Morning Twilight Begins: (The sun never sets) (24 hours of darkness) (The sun never rises) (Twilight continues all night) Time of observation: O.K.? (Y/N): Advance the Date? ) / Julian Day: U >D8Yu --- +++ U Year Month Day < Use P)rimary, A)lternate, or N)ew observing site? (P/A/N): O.K.? (Y/N): C8-skip comets, -continue: Location of all comets in J RA DEC MAG Rise 20-Deg Trans 20-Deg SetL -----------------------------------------------------------------U (Type P to print screen) delete (Type P to Print Screen): Select? (Y/N/ S(select all)/ R(reject all)/ (quit): NYSRP|!(Type Any Key to Alter Selection)< E P-print screen, -continue: * Target Date @E A-alter date, P-print screen, -skip planets, -continue: APK E -skip comets, -continue: >D8Au $ 9 > C e p % 4 9 > T g l q !&!+!0!@!E!X!]!b!u!z! #-#6#A#P#[#m#u# #R$|$ $)%R% &1&M&|& +$+)+;+@+E+q+ -!-.-:-G-S-`-l-y- .e/j/y/ 1,11161 3!3&373B3P3U3_3d3 6,6:6?6D6U6d6 7#71767;7L7Y7s7~7 8)8r8}8 9 9%92979M9X9k9p9u9 :%;/;4;>;C;U;Z;_; ;3;>N>a>w>|> BSelect Data File for Orbital Elements (or to start new file) Select Comet Data File *.cfl current.cfl CURRENT.CFL recent.cfl RECENT.CFL Name for new comet data file: O.K.? (Y/N): --- +++ --- +++ U @3333333 ?/Out of Range / Procedure Aborted / Type Any Key5 plcrunch.dat is missing -- Type any keyU @3333333 @fffff ?333333 &.'='O' ()(;(S( ),)X) /#/6/@/ / 0=0I0_0 0-1d1 dsconfig.filU dsconfig.fil c:\ds3d\ c:\ds3d\dsdata\ c:\ds3d\dsfiles\ Observing Site: Name of your observing site: Longitude: Deg Min (East/West) Latitude: Min( Altitude (approximate number of feet): Time ZonesM Hours from Greenwich: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0N Standard time zones: HST YST PST MST CST EST AST --- --- --- UTN Daylight time zones: HDT YDT PDT MDT CDT EDT ADT --- --- --- Time Zone Name: / Time Difference from Local Time to Greenwich: (East/West) O.K.? (Y/N): PRIMARY ALTERNATEU ( Graphics card detected by the program: J Some graphics cards cannot be autodetected by the program. If you know aH different card is present, or if more than one card is present, you mayM make your own selection. If you accidentally select a graphics card that isM not actually present in the machine, the program will probably crash when itG tries to enter graphics mode. If this occurs, simply reboot and try a different setting. Graphics Card Setting: 0. NONE 1. CGA 2. MCGA 3. EGA 4. EGA64 5. EGAMono 6. VGA 7. HERCULES Selection: O.K.? (Y/N): --MISSING--U #Are you using a hard drive? (Y/N): BK (The program disk, must be left in one disk drive and be accessible at allN times. Other data or output files may share space on the same disk, but theN program disk may not be swapped out to allow other disks to share the drive.O While the program is running none of the drives referenced here should remainO empty. If the proper file is not present in the drive indicated, you will be prompted for a disk change.) Which Drive will be used for Main Program Files: @" (DS3D.EXE, DS3D.OVR, and *.BGI) Supplementary Files: ! (TEXT.TXT, 4X6.FON, and *.DAT) Star Data Files: (SST01,SST02,...) Comet Data and Output Files: (*.CFL, *.EPH, DAYTA.DAY,...) O.K.? (Y/N): Default Directories: I Drive letter and directory path where main program files may be found:0 (DS3D.EXE, DS3D.OVR, *.BGI, & DSCONFIG.FIL)J Drive letter and directory path where supplementary files may be found: (TEXT.TXT, *.DAT)F Drive letter and directory path where star data files may be found: (SST01,SST02,...) | Floppy? H Drive letter and directory path for comet data and output data files:$ (*.CFL, *.EPH, DAYTA.DAY,...): \C Testing Directories for Minimum Content and Correct File Placement Main Directory = Supplementary Directory = Data Directory = SST01 Output Directory = dsconfig.fil6 One or more essential files are missing or misplaced.N Check to see that all files are in the correct directories before continuing. Type any key to continue Star Data Installed:1 Highest numbered star data file installed: SST< (77 files containing nearly 250,000 stars are available.) Printer:F Some 24 pin printers introduce a 20% elongation of graphics images.9 Should the output be corrected for elongation? (Y/N): F (Try a "Day and Time Mode" printout and check the boundary circle.) 01/ (THE UNREGISTERED VERSION IS LIMITED TO SST01) (Type any key to continue)U ,This copy of Deep Space 3-D is registered to N To legally share copies of DEEP SPACE 3-D with friends or colleagues you mustL remove the registration imprint, restoring it to "UNREGISTERED" status. ToH deregister a copy of the program at this time, place the DEEP SPACE 3-DO program disk in a floppy drive and answer the following queries. (The imprintM of registration may also be removed by deleting the file DSCONFIG.FIL on the program disk.)F Do you wish to deregister a copy of the program at this time? (Y/N): NY: Drive letter containing the DEEP SPACE 3-D program disk: A@% Proceed with deregistration? (Y/N): :dsconfig.fil The copy of DEEP SPACE 3-D in %: is restored to UNREGISTERED status.A (Type to quit or any other key to unregister another copy)K Do you wish to deregister the currently running copy at this time? (Y/N): dsconfig.filG The current copy of DEEP SPACE 3-D is restored to UNREGISTERED status.- Please start the program from the beginning.H This copy of Deep Space 3-D is UNREGISTERED. It is a fully functioningM trial copy for individual use only. Additional database files are availableJ to registered users. They cannot be accessed by the program until it hasN been "imprinted" with the REGISTERED USER NAME and REGISTRATION NUMBER. GiveK your name exactly as you want it spelled when you become a registered userM and you will be issued an REGISTRATION NUMBER that will be recognized by theL program in connection with your name. You may imprint any copy of the diskK for your own use, but disks must be returned to unregistered status before, they are shared with friends or colleagues.F Do you wish to imprint this copy of the program at this time? (Y/N): (Type to quit) REGISTERED USER NAME: REGISTRATION NUMBER: O.K.? (Y/N): THANK YOU FOR REGISTERING!N Please keep a copy of your REGISTRATION NUMBER and the exact spelling of yourI REGISTERED USER NAME for future reference. They may be used repeatedly./ Highest numbered star data file installed: SST: (77 files containing nearly 250,000 stars are available.)U D E E P S P A C E 3 - D 4Copyright (c) 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 David Chandler REGISTERED USER: UNREGISTERED VERSION 0Star data is adapted from the "Skymap" data base3courtesy of the National Space Science Data Center. Version 2.1 (512k minimum) Release Date: Aug 28, 1990 (Type any key to continue), To the users of DEEP SPACE 3-D Version 2.1:N Deep Space 3-D comes as a 2-disk "core" program, which is SHAREWARE, and lotsM of additional databases which are made available only to registered users. M You are encouraged to pass around UNREGISTERED copies of the original 2-DiskK set: DEEP SPACE 3-D, and DS SUPPLEMENT, but they must be restored to theirN original "unregistered" condition. (There is an option at the Main Menu thatM imprints or removes your REGISTERED USER NAME.) Upon registration, you willK receive the disk STAR DATA #0, a 3-D viewer, and access to additional data; disks for a total of nearly 250,000 stars and 1100 comets.J SHAREWARE is not the same as public domain. It is a means of letting youM "test drive" a fully functioning program before making a final purchase. WeL are confident that as you become familiar with DEEP SPACE 3-D you will wantJ to become a registered user. Please respect our interests and share only unregistered copies.D For more information, choose the HELP MENU option at the Main Menu.J Written comments and "bug reports" are welcome from all users. Write to:@ David Chandler, P.O. Box 309, La Verne, CA 91750. (Type any key to continue)U (Type Any Key to Continue)U text.txt Topics"Send to Printer or Screen? (P/S): SP$(Type Any Key When Printer Is Ready) # ] 2 7 A F X ] b t y ~ !1!6!;!W!\!d! "."U"_"n" # #%#/#4#F#T#Y#^#{# $:$M$[$n$s$x$ %"%,%A%F%P%U%g%u%z% &.&3&A&F&P&U&g&l&q& '*'O'T'f'k'p'z' ('(9(>(C(M(R(\(a(s(x(}( )!)&)/)8)C)M)R)W)i)n)s)}) )5*F* *+343V3[3e3j3}3 4"4'41464H4M4R4d4i4n4 5"5'5<5A5K5P5Z5_5z5 6(6-6;6@6J6O6Y6^6p6y6 7$7.737=7B7Z7j7o7}7 8"8'898>8C8U8Z8_8q8v8{8 9#9-929<9A9S9X9]9r9w9 :0:::?:Q:V:[:r:|: ;#;(;-;@;E;J;T;Y;c;h;z; <$<6<;<@<\QQQVQ[Q`Q R R=RBRGRjRoRtR S*S/S4SfSkSpS (More) U N Move / Select / Quit U % Z Lu to continueU (, is needed) -- Type any key or to quit (Insert -) -- Type any key or to create new file$) -- Type any key or to bypassU (- is needed) -- Type any key or to quit (Insert -) -- Type any key or to create new file$) -- Type any key or to bypass 0000000000000000000U # 7 E R W \ a i r currentpath Graphics error: U 0 Q f v